Quick Poll Results

InsideHeads taps inside the heads of our loyal panel members to get their 2-cents on timely topics. See how they answered!Participate in Research Studies

March 9, 2020  Thoughts on the upcoming US election*RESULTS BELOW*

Who do you plan to vote for President
InsideHeads Panel US Residents N=1526

March 13, 2020 Who do you want for President *RESULTS BELOW*

Next Quick Poll: Coming Soon

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While we can’t select everyone for every study, we sure do conduct a lot of research studies and as a result are always looking for very specific people to interview. Registration in the panel is fast and easy, and just might land you a chance to share your opinions for real cash. Are you on the list? Join today!

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4 thoughts on “Quick Poll Results”

  1. soy una persano amigable y me gusta Ayudar a los demas y deseo Poder Ayudar en this page.bueno el Ayudar a los demas me Trae Paz y me gusta aserlo.

  2. I have been a member for quite some time. If I dont qualify for a survey due to my age demographic; I should qualify for a focus group. Please invite me?

  3. Hi Ginny, we can’t guarantee your selection, as each study we do is among a different demographic. If you’re a registered member of the InsideHeads panel, that’s your best chance, we will keep you posted as opportunities arise.

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