Participate in Research Studies


You have come to this page because we need people for our online focus groups and we think you may be just the kind of person we’re looking for. InsideHeads pays you for your opinions & feedback!


We pull people for research studies from the InsideHeads panel database. Become a member and you’ll receive invitations to studies you might qualify for. Becoming a panel member is easy, and free.


What are Focus Groups?

Focus groups are tools to get feedback from regular people. Movies are famous for using focus groups before releasing the movie. Did you you know that originally, E.T. died at the end of the movie, but people in the focus groups reacted so badly to that they changed the ending? Regular people can make a big impact!

Focus groups changed the ending of ET!

What are ONLINE focus groups?

These are focus groups that take place online.  Participants in online focus groups communicate in a text chat. There’s a moderator who posts questions to the group, then you simply type and send your responses. It’s pretty cool. And just like texting – spelling and grammar don’t have to be perfect.

InsideHeads pays you to participate in online focus groups

Do I really get paid?

Yes. While we can’t guarantee you’ll qualify and be selected, if you are selected for a research study and complete the requirements (which are always made clear before you start), you will receive a cash payment. The amount varies by study, but will always be made clear to you before you even consider trying to qualify.  Participants are paid a week or two after a group takes place, since we need a little time to do the paperwork on our end. When the focus group finishes, participants logout and fill out a form so we know where to send your check or PayPal payment.

The results of focus groups are very valuable to the companies doing the research. This is why they pay people to do focus groups and to find out what they really think. And yeah, we pay out a lot of money to the people who complete our focus groups.

Your opinions are valuable to the companies who make the products and services you use.

What’s the catch?

There isn’t one. This is legit market research and InsideHeads is a longstanding leader in online focus groups working for lots of businesses. We’ve been around since the AOL chat rooms in the 90’s. Interviewing people is what we do and we can’t do it without you!

We pull people for research studies from the InsideHeads panel database. Become a member and you’ll receive invitations to studies you might qualify for. Becoming a panel member is easy, and free.

Participate in any internet connected device with a separate keyboard.
Participate on any internet-connected device that has a separate keyboard.

I wanna do a focus group!

Great! Click here to complete a short form and sign-up. You’ll be instantly considered for research studies that pay cash!

InsideHeads is recruiting RIGHT NOW for online focus groups this week. Join the panel and you could qualify for selection!

InsideHeads will only contact you for research opportunities and we NEVER sell members’ information. We’re just not that kind of company. Go ahead, give us a Google, or read our privacy policy. We’re the good guys. 🙂

And of course feel free to contact us at any point if you have any other questions or have any problem registering.

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